It’s with a heavy heart that I’ve decided to put Hominids on hold for the time being. As most of you have probably noticed, my updates have been inconsistent, I’ve been less engaged, and perhaps the quality of the comic overall has gone down.
For the last two years, I’ve been trying to balance full-time freelance work with Hominids. My love and passion for this comic has kept me going, but the two things are in conflict with one another, and my need to make a living must win out.
Because of this, I haven’t been able to give the love and attention that I feel Hominids deserves. It’s not fair to the comic and it’s not fair to my readers. With that in mind, I’d rather take the break and come back to it fresh. I will still be posting work on my Patreon and social media if you want to follow what I will be up to in the coming months.
If you want to see any of my freelance work, check out my new website, where I will be posting all my projects.
I don’t know when Hominids will come back, but I promise it will. I won’t let the story go unfinished.
Thanks for being true fans, Hominerds.
I once suggested a deadly plague come in and wipe most of them out.
Your reply was you did not want to kill off a large number of characters
and that the plague itself would be too hard to draw.
Hi Jordan, your situation is understandable. Being a loyal Hominerd, I’ll try my upmost best to be patient. I’m sure the rest of the Hominerds will be doing the same thing. Wishing to look forward to your updates.
Thank you for being patient. Like I said, I’ll be posting and new artwork and the like on my social media channels, so any news about Hominids will be there too.
Hiatus! Nooo!
Of course, life comes first. Ah well! Good luck with everything, and I hope you come back refreshed and ready to rumble! Although I must disagree that the quality of the comic has only increased. I may be ever so slightly biased since this is my favourite webcomic.
All the best!
Thanks so much, Kate. I’m glad it’s your favourite, even still! I’ll be back. I promise.
1) I like your comic
2) Why are the flesh eaters so emaciated? If they eat all kinds of meat and food their numbers are not so great why aren’t they more filled out and stronger, as in they appear to be more of a threat image? I know the tree people have bigger forearms and are stronger than others, and they look stronger than others and well fed to boot. The ordinary homo sapien looking people from Icari’s village look healthier as well.
Unless the ‘flesh’ eaters are culturally limiting their diet to only sentient beings or are going through especially hard times it does seem curious for them to be that skinny.
Of course if the bones are really an exoskeleton and they have different biology (black blood would hint at that)) forget I said anything.
3)I do believe we answered where Flores’ limbs ended up. She is the right sized to be overpowered by an average homo sapiens like homonid (likely a group of them).
4)Icari is going to have some explaining to do as he is currently in a relationship (with the leader of the tribe and a father). Free love is nice, and shared parenting is a thing but juggling the emotional needs of 2 mates in a situation like this an accident waiting to happen no matter how liberal your society is.
Either this is how they deal with their elderly or the tribe is starving and she drew the short straw
So this is how a female Flesh-Eater looks like. Her headdress looks creatively cool.
From what Gosh said, I know how Flores lost 3 of her limbs & her name is being misspelled.
Hi. I drifted away from Hominids for a while (don’t ask why, I must have been crazy) but I’m back now, all caught up and enjoying what I’m reading. Nice character interaction and dialogue. Keep it up!
Shouldn’t Icari’s line be more like “Correction. No one ALIVE ever has.”
Yes it should! Thanks for catching.
I thought albinos are supposed to stand out but Gosh seems to blend well in the undergrowth.
I think they would still use him as bait if they were planning to fight them. In this case, they are trying to sneak past.
I really don’t understand this. The last chapter shows Icari & Lye having a romantic time while being spied by Basse but it doesn’t explain how they ended up in this situation.
They’re on a mission to rescue Keyli, so this is just the next thing along their path.
I’m getting a creepy Vault Tech experiment vibe here.
You’re not a horrible person for having a job and being busier than expected! But, you’re a fantastic person for making such an incredible webcomic and sending it out into the world for *free* so us hominerds can enjoy it.
Also, I don’t know much at all about bears, so I can’t really tell without seeing more identifying features such as the tail shape, but is that actually a giant ground sloth, I wonder?
Now it’s clear that this webcomic’s short-face bear has sabre fangs.
Being swamped with paying work isn’t exactly a bad thing.
Hi Jordan
It appears that your RSS feed isn’t working. I don’t see anything after 312 at present.
Cheers, and keep up the great work!
Yah, sorry about that. I’ve known about the issue for a little while and haven’t been able to fix it. I’m just not that tech savvy. Any suggestions?
To check feedburner feeds, log in at https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/myfeeds and go to the “Monitor the health of your feed by subscribing to FeedBulletin” link
Awesome! Thank you. I will investigate further!
Nice , your still Alive !! And Happy New year ! , when you also possible going to update on tapas ?
The alien seems to be protecting something from the bear and this picture comes close to a Kaiju battle.
I do love a good kaiju battle!
Ok judging from the cover of this chapter, I guess it’ll be divided equally into 3 different stories.
That is a healthy guess.
I just popped around on the off-chance… and WOW… you put up the new pages already!
What has Keyli discovered and will the creature/god now leave him to find his way? And what about Sno?
I need your other regular readers’ comments as I am relatively new to Hominids and took all of it in in a marathon read a few months back.
Happy NewYear, Jordan!
So many good questions, Silene! Hopefully, those story will reveal the answers. Glad you popped back in.