It’s been a long time coming!
Chapter 7 is finally here! Thanks for everyone’s patience.
In part, the long wait was due to the need for a break. 6 chapters is basically the equivalent of a full graphic novel and after getting through that, I just needed the time off. I also needed time to get a bit more organized on things like printing, writing the next book and getting a Patreon account together. The Patreon, I hope will be coming very soon so keep a look out for that.
Even though it’s been such a long break, I’ve still been keeping myself busy. The biggest of which was making the below animation. If you haven’t checked it out yet, take a look. I think it’s pretty cool.
I also got a lot of great Hominids art from some great artists who I hope you check out.
This is an amazing Lye pin-up by Al Fukalek, artist of The Specialist.
This piece was done by fellow Iron Tiger Comics friend, Victor Couwenbergh. Victor is the author Zik the Gallant Defender of Zoz.
A beautiful illustration of Icari and Zona by Erin Middendorf. Here’s her art blog, pottery blog, Facebook, Tumblr
This amazing piece of art comes from a friend from work named Tara Mueller. You will not regret following her! Here, here, and here.
Edward Pun is the creator for the amazing comic series, Shotgun Wedding. Also check out his great pin-up work at his Twitter, or Facebook page.
This is a piece by internet famed, Stephen Byrne! Make sure to follow his Facebook page!|
My apologies if you want to make a comment. It seems it’s not working on the chapter 7 page. I’m working to get that fixed but I’m not exactly sure what’s going on yet. If you want to leave a comment, feel free to do it on chapter 6, Twitter, or Facebook page.
I’ve been without Internet for a long time, but I’m back now, and in going through the archives trying to catch up, I’ve stumbled upon a minor glitch on this page. Instead of the “Next” button going to the next entry, it goes back to
Thanks for the heads up Seann and good to have you back.