It’s with a heavy heart that I’ve decided to put Hominids on hold for the time being. As most of you have probably noticed, my updates have been inconsistent, I’ve been less engaged, and perhaps the quality of the comic overall has gone down.
For the last two years, I’ve been trying to balance full-time freelance work with Hominids. My love and passion for this comic has kept me going, but the two things are in conflict with one another, and my need to make a living must win out.
Because of this, I haven’t been able to give the love and attention that I feel Hominids deserves. It’s not fair to the comic and it’s not fair to my readers. With that in mind, I’d rather take the break and come back to it fresh. I will still be posting work on my Patreon and social media if you want to follow what I will be up to in the coming months.
If you want to see any of my freelance work, check out my new website, where I will be posting all my projects.
I don’t know when Hominids will come back, but I promise it will. I won’t let the story go unfinished.
Thanks for being true fans, Hominerds.
Hi Jordan, congratulations on the completion for Chapter 10 of Hominids. I have to admit so far it is the most unique of them all as it features a preggo putting herself in a solo situation which is difficult & dangerous as well. On top of that, she managed to survive from it even when she’s in labour. I wish that there are webcomics that feature characters similar to Zona. Speaking about her, what is the gender of the hybrid baby she had with Icari?
Hey Hee, Thanks so much. I’ve been working pretty diligently on chapter 11. The script is taking awhile, cause I want it to be really strong. Anyways, I’m glad you like Zona so much. I wish there were more characters like her too! You’ll find out the sex of the baby in the next chapter.
OMG and bloody helll…. I can’t get my head around your analysis, Oranges. I mistakenly thought Sno was having a reincarnation. But your theories have totally overwhelmed my take on the different universes Jordan has created. Awesome, but…. then what is the point of the struggle to dismantle the greedy mountain followers of Icari’s father. But he himself had been Zona’s lover in the past… so as you say, these universes are already threaded.
Sigh… will have to be patient. I bought the first series and it’s on my e-reader, so I can search that for some keywords to hopefully find some ‘Easter Eggs’.
More please! xx Silene
So many questions to answer! I hope I fulfill them all. Working hard on chapter 11 to address these burning questions.
Man, there are just so many deep lore things swirling about in my head now.
I can remember that whenever I came up with fan theory stuff in the comments, you never said anything was definitely wrong, and I really like that you encourage fan theories like that, so hold onto your butt, cause heres a whole bunch incoming.
I’m assuming were back to aliengod induced dreamworld now where keyli dreams of these apparently alternate versions of themselves in environments not seen anywhere else.
Now, going by the assumption that dreams are all amalgamations of past memories and experiences, dreams being set in this much of a different setting seems rather unusual, indicating that these are not normal dreams.
I think I sort of headcanoned the last time this came up that these could be just dreams keyli is already having, and the god thing isnt actually implanting these, but rather just sort of reading them.
Now whether they are implanted or not, the fact these appear to be set in a completely different time period is quite interesting. If that thing is a god, this could be seen as proof that it is in fact divine, being able to take and show imagery from far into the future showing their distant descendants. The reason for this being somewhat unclear perhaps, but being a god, it might very well be operating on a whole other level of intelligence, and its not for us to understand. Maybe its trying to get keyli to come to some sort of revelation perhaps, but without just completely shattering his world view all in one go.
And if not:
Then I am left wondering about a different idea I had where the entire forest is just a sort of giant wildlife preserve on a planet populated by the blue things. Maybe there are multiple of these, all in various levels of advancement. A deeplore aspect that could easily massively expand the hominids universe, just for how much bigger the world really is then the main characters think. Maybe sometimes as a sort of experiment, the blueberries will take a few individuals from one, wipe their memories and put them into a different one with implanted memories suggesting this is what their world was always like.
Maybe keyli didnt get a complete wipe, and there are remnants of the other, I dunno, enclosure? Maybe the aliens being sort of zoo animal handlers Have become aware of this, and is sort of assessing his situation. Maybe this might inadvertently be the catalyst to send the whole party onto a much much bigger adventure altogether.
Not even gonna ask you to confirm or deny anything, cause I find, whether I’m wrong or not, trying to predict how all this works to be quite entertaining.
Did I mention this is a really good comic and I like it a lot by the way?
Man, I really love these theories. I almost wonder if some are better then what is to actually come! That is….if they are not correct.
Thanks for the kind words too. I’m really glad you are enjoying the comic.
Ooooooo…..ooooooo……. wow…. what an interesting turn of events. AND, I have been away, so I got to see THREE pages at once.
Whatever works for you, works for me!
xx Silene
Yeah, I cant get replies to work, by the way. Like I click the reply button, but the whole reply window just sort of pops out underneath the post im replying to, I guess? So both text boxes and submit button is completely obscured.
I would post a screenshot, but imgur is being weird.
I see. I was half wondering if you were foreshadowing some sort of plot twist or something, like he was about to say too much, but then he stopped him.
Also, was eetori about to say martyr?
He wasn’t. I’m trying to remember what I had in the script before I changed it. I think it was “Then you will have your chance to kill them.”
Dont mean this a complaint or anything, just kind of curious:
Is there any rhyme or reason behind why you sometimes post two pages at once rather than just one at a time?
Is it that you sometimes work on both at once? Like a little on one page, and then a little on the other page, and you kind of go back and forth?
Just trying to see if I can handle more then one page a week and have a faster cadence. I don’t really think it works though as my posts were less regular this chapter. Next chapter I’ll be back to just one page a week to make life easier.
I guess everything turned out well for Zona in the end. The old man really did proved his worth.
Take your time. Leave the format as it is.
Quality always trumps quantity.
Great page BTW!
We’re getting top-quality free content here, so we are hardly in a place to make demands! But whatever kind of schedule best allows you, the author, to produce this fantastic comic. As long as we keep getting this stuff, no-one’s complaining!
And with Zona’s current situation… She’s just given birth and fought her way through dozens of armed men. She’s incredibly strong, but Neanderthal men are stronger, and her poor brother has been brainwashed and “trained” for years by people who know exactly the best way to get results. I’m really worried about this.
If longer gaps but fuller episodes works for you, it works for me! Real Life stuff sadly has to come first or your creativeness will suffer from worry about it.
But don’t leave her by the neck for too long, surely her brother (and the others) will turn on their captors!?
xx Silene
I vote for the former if it’s 2 pages within 2 weeks as it’s worth the wait. Btw, it really sucks for a lady to be in a death grip by her relative just after giving birth a short while ago.
Hi Jordan, it’s been 2 weeks since the last update. I’ve been wondering when will the new page appear.
Thanks for reaching out and asking, Hee Fone. I’ve been meaning to post on update explaining that I’ve been falling behind. I’m going to have an update for next week for sure, but my regular “day job” work got in my way the last few weeks. I apologize that you guys haven’t gotten any content.
I don’t think her brother will do anything to Zona… her sister didn’t! But Eetori doesn’t know that. Is he about to be ripped to little pieces… I hope I hope I hope… then Zona can free all the slaves and the old man! The city should be a place of thriving people and trade, not the hell-hole-in-a-mountain it’s become.
Write on please!! xx Silene
Zona speaks in yellow bubbles. Deadpool speaks in yellow bubbles. Hmm….
Gotta say one thing for the guy.
He takes the word Spineless Evil Bastard and adds an “!”
Her, just wanted to ask, are you paying this comic on webtoon as well?
I am on Webtoons. Check it out. It鈥檚 fun to read in the vertical format.
Zona really showed the remaining goons of Eetori’s whose boss! I didn’t know that newborn Tree-Dweller/Mountain-Dweller hybrids are blue in color. Too bad Keyli isn’t here to witness the birth of his hybrid half-sibling and not to mention about the need for Icari to do so as well.
Babies when they first come out typically have a blue hue to them if they don鈥檛 get enough oxygen temporarily, so it鈥檒l probably change to a normal color.
Great scene…thank you so much… but where has that sniveling Eetori gotten to, leaving his men to do his dirty work. Am sure she will give him a bit of a knock about on her way out I hope!!!
More please! xx Silene
You’re asking the exact right question. Where is that guy, and what is he up to?
I get it Mountain Archer dude, babies can be scary, it’s a lot of responsibility and poop.
Oh my… but we are not seeing the lower half of HIS body… what is happening? Or is he actually freaked out that he’s got the child in the line of fire… who does the baby look like (yes it know it’s a wee thing but this is a comic!!)
More please!
I mean would they?
Good question. I think they would prefer assistance for sure. Zona’s a bit older though, and she’s been through this a number of times.
This must be the moment every Hominerd has been waiting for, congratulations to Zona for giving birth to the first Mountain-Dweller/Tree-Dweller hybrid baby. So Jordan, I know that she’s only doing this because she doesn’t have a choice but if female Tree-Dwellers do would opt for an unassisted childbirth? Forgive me for asking this absurd question.
So happy to see two pages posted! What is next… I hope maybe Aura and the Old Man can help Zona. She needs help delivering!
And don’t forget Sno!!
xx Silene
Thank you so much for your donation, Silene! You’re awesome! The old man and Aura are still definitely in the game, but I might be throwing a twist or two in there as well.
OSHA is not going to be happy about this…
The second earthquake appears to be an unlikely ally for Zona. It would be a bad timing if her hybrid baby suddenly slips out of her vagina while she’s hanging onto a falling rock.
Yikes! That seems like something I would do…
Sorry, Im really slow at reading news posts.
Are you doing alright?
No worries. and thanks for asking. I’m doing fine. Just trying to keep up. Motivation has been tough lately. Full-time work always helped set me straight, so that’s something I’m seeking out again.
hell hath no fury like a woman (my ex wife) giving birth
AAAAH ZONA!! 馃榾 Kill those suckers…..and hopefully survive with your baby. I’m worried for you ;-;
Incompetent underlings!
If you want something done right, you must do it yourself.
Now let’s see if he has the Chutzpah…
If her kid grows up to become a huge badass warrior, this would be a pretty good origin story.
“I was birthed into the blood of my mothers enemies”.
Thanks for the new page Jordan, it is much appreciated. I’ve been waiting a long time for it. This must be Zona’s most impressive feat which is slaying multiple enemies while birthing her child! The strain is really too much for her to bear!
Good to see another page.
She seems a bit annoyed, no? 馃槈
Hope you are well… I bought the Amazon version of Hominids and got hooked and found this site. I’d be happy to buy any further sets you publish. Your art is definitely worth it!
My interest came as I study palaeolithic peoples, so your story is the perfect entertainment.
May things be brighter for you soon!
xx from England
That’s so awesome! Thank you for buying it. I’m planning on doing more there soon. I’m glad you found it!
I can remember when tarzan came out in theaters and I tried walking on my knuckles like that. I remember it being really uncomfortable and wondering why he didnt just use his palms.
I’ll only start to question the resemblance of a gorilla that sounds suspiciously like Rosie O’Donnell shows up and sings an NSYNC song.
God damn, can you imagine getting axed through your fucking jaw?
He is just not a very nice man!
Definitely not getting a Worlds Greatest Grandpa mug any time soon…
Considering such mugs aren’t invented yet, he might wait longer then You think.
Zona would give Conan a hard time.
Shame on them! Attacking a pregnant lady when her kid is about to be birthed. This page shows that Zona is more awesome than ever.
Oh hey… Magically vanishing facial hair?
OMG! You totally caught me! I need to go fix asap.
There’s also another thing Jordan, I love the way how the backgrounds of panels which feature Eetori talking angrily is in reddish pink.
Oh thanks. I always have a hard time with really bold colors like that but I felt it was appropriate here.
Successful persuade roll.
As far as the baby goes, talk about making an entrance (and exit at the same time)…
It’ll be famous before the umbilical cord is cut!
Finally! I’m sure I’m not the only Hominerd to wonder what happened after Zona has been converted from a pregnant Tree-Dweller to a laboring lady on the battlefield where she has to face so many enemies on her own and here it is. I still believe that she needed some backup from her pack members as they might change their minds about not killing her while she’s giving birth.
It seems like some help from something, somewhere would be a good idea at this point.
Do not kiss the cave woman unless you want to…ehm…commune with nature on a very personal level…
Well, looks Aura’s got another bombshell to deal with….
Icari: “Hello, Aura! Long time no see! Oh, I see you met our elder and my lover, Zona. Looks like you also met our child, as well (to baby: Hewwo, little one. I’m your Papa!) Anyway, I’d like you to meet my new lover, Lye.”
Aura: ….
Icari: “Aura? Are you well?”
Also, isn’t it that jackass from before in the final panel? Looks like he’s jelly….
I’m guessing the mysterious eyes belong to jealous Basse.
Am I correct in my interpretation of Antozia’s speech bubble that she speaks very loudly?
Compared to the other characters, definitely.
I pray that Icari’s Team has more luck than Zona in completing their quest. As the latter needs to focus on 4 things simultaneously; birthing her hybrid child, slaughtering that bastard Eetori and his goons, avoiding the falling rocks caused by the earthquake and protecting the old man.
Is there any chance you could introduce them to us? By the way, it really makes sense for her to have her hybrid child to be conceived in her home and to be birthed in her mate’s.
I’m glad you noticed the fact of where it was conceived and where it will be born. That was a symbolic choice I was hoping someone would notice.
Other kids by Zona, maybe…but I have a lot of characters already.
I really, really hope nothing bad happens to her and the kid….
You never know with this comic….
Now I understand why you named the title for this chapter ‘Against The Odds’. I wished everything turned out fine for her, her 2nd born kid & her Mountain- Dweller friends.
We’ll see….Although, it might be worth noting, she’s had quite a bit more kids than just Keyli. Although, I don’t think I ever really mentioned it before.
Queue Vanilla Ice “Ninja Rap”.
Butt arrow.
As much as I like this fight scene, I was hoping for a different resolution: the fact that Zona’s expecting could be some kind of universal protection, like in this saying “you don’t shoot a nesting bird”. I imagine it going on like “Oh, she’s pregnant… We can’t kill an expecting mother, dammit… We’ll imprison her anyway!” – and then the fight ensues anyway, heh. Or just some of those guards being hesitant about attacking her… Just something I thought about, what could give these people at least some level of standards and give us more mythology and culture.
Memo: archers
Don’t let the enemy get close, or ouchies!
YAS QUEEN! (sorry for the Broad City reference….) Zona’s gonna kick some ass and take names.
Also, jeez Icari’s dad, can you be creepier? Your “wife” happened to be your kid’s finance before you swooped in, and I imagine he’s definitely not gonna be happy about that when finds out….assuming either Zona or Aura don’t kill you first. (in case you don’t know, it’s about the page preceeding the two)
For a lady who’s nearing the due date of her 2nd kid, she proves to be more than capable in kicking her enemies’ asses while protecting her friend. I only hope that her water doesn’t break around this time.
That’d be some unfortunate timing.
oh man that 3rd panel of page 18 is something we’ve been waiting for so long and it’s perfect
Thanks! That was very satisfying to draw.
You know, its not very often you see a hero vs villain back and forth like this and also saggy floppy titties.
Thats a bit novel.
I try to make things feel more unique.
The first page to feature bare boobies for Chapter 10 is here. Pardon the perverted comment.
It’s true! I did that on purpose. Sort of a way to show she’s not afraid of anything and willing to reveal her true self.
“Sir, look! Cotton candy!”
Sorry for not posting in a while, but….man I can’t wait for more cool stuff to happen in this arc 馃榾
So, the blind Hominid was Zona’s sister? Aw, man…. ;-;
Oh, hai, Aura 馃榾 Haven’t seen you in a while. Though, I’m sure Zona will help you catch up….like the fact that your finacee is gonna be a daddy soon (oh, boy….)
Also, those nut bags better think twice before messing with Zona…. kick their asses, girl!
Happy to have you back.
So Tree Dwellers tend to call people in their Pack, “brother” or “sister” but it’s kind of confusing because that’s also what they call their actual brothers and sisters too.
Aura finally made an appearance since Chapter 8. I know the answer to what happens if she found out that Zona is carrying Icari’s child is obvious but I don’t know how well can she take it.
It’s a great question and I imagine she definitely will find out at some point.
I’m surprised Zona recognized her.
Colors and patterns. Plus, whether they are blood related or not, she would call her that.
Isn’t she the same zombie Tree-Dweller who knocked out Sno in Chapter 5?
Good eye! Yes it is.
Sorry that I have not been commenting, I’ve been busy with class and will be looking for a job soon and all that noise.
I am liking the new pages especially the one sided conversation with the monster. Glad to have you back!
No problem! Thanks for coming back and commenting! Glad you like the new pages.
Pretty convinient first person that Zona met was exacly who she needed. I guess it’s not that big city
Sometimes you just got to get to the point to keep the story rolling.
Religion has always been a pretty useful tool for the powerful, I suppose.
It’s true. Unquestioned rule books tend to work that way.
Did not know that it was up dating, I’ll need to read the new pages when I get time
That chicken-like creature on the title page looks a little like an Oviraptor.
That was the inspiration! Good catch!
Dunno what you did over the break, but your facial expressions have moved up a level or two. First the annoyed alien and now Keyli and his portrayal of surprise.
Thanks! Sometimes you just need to take a break and come back fresh.
So, the great stones that Icari mentioned are known as the Pillars by Tree- Dwellers? Besides that, I guess it’s a double page bonus again this week which I love it.
Indeed. They have different titles for it. The double update was tough but I think it was worth it to give you guys a whole scene! I wish I could do that more.
Reverse bungie jump. 馃榾
Yeah, Keyli’s not used to that!
Love the alien’s expression there in panel 6. He’s looking confused by his chattering. Not in an, “I have no idea what you’re saying”, way but a, “Damn, please shut up already”, way.
Yeah, he does seem a little annoyed.
Thank you, jordan senpai.
Could it be that blueboi was actually reading his mind right there rather than inplanting any kind of vision?
Cause I mean, assuming the tentacle smurf isnt divine, I’m guessing he doesnt know about all the recent events up the mountain, and that dream was probably all stuff keyli was already thinking about anyway.
Could it be that this species is able to place other beings in a sort of short coma to see their dreams when they cant get any information any other way?
Cause all those weird noises the fur-less ape thing is making with its mouth-flap parts dont seem to be helping much.
Wow. Mouth-flap parts. I like the way you put that. Well said.
I like your theories. We’ll see how that pans out.
And Keyli then awakes from his nightmare.
You weren’t all that far off.
Isn’t he supposed to be, like, you know, dickless?
That is the case.
it’s Tuesday, cool ,new page to see, whoo TWO new pages,way cool,
aaand WTF
haha. Glad you like having two pages this week. I doubt it will be a trend.
There’s only so many ways I can say “WTF?!”
Seriously though, what is happening right now? Awesome work, but still….
I almost feel bad that I’m messing with you guys so much……almost.
Well, that’s okay. 馃檪
Either way, watching these two kiss and act so lovey-dovey kinda weirds me out, tbh, especially since crazy priest guy tried to kill Sno while they were alive (assuming they weren’t mysteriously brought back to life and suffering from amnesia right now and are in some afterlife)
It is weird for sure….and I wouldn’t rule out any of your theories!
Well, at least you didn’t make us see them go further, if you know what I mean…. XD
(are dirty jokes allowed in this comment section?)
I am super excited to see where this will lead 馃榾 :D, and kinda hope at least one of my theories comes true…. 馃榾
I wouldn’t want it to get too dirty but I think a certain level would be fine. Just use your best judgement and I’ll let you know if it’s too much.
If thats the “Great-Beyond”, it must be prugatory. I hope she will wake soon, becouse Otari gross me out
That’s a nice looking purgatory.
So let me get this straight, Sno & Otari became lovers after death even though they are enemies to begin with?
Something like that. We’ll have to wait and see.
RSS feed still doesn’t update… 馃檨
Thanks, Frank. Sorry about that. This is where my lack of computer skills shows. I’ll see what I can do though.
An arrow wound?? A stone pool???
You’re asking the right questions!
Wha? Wha? Wha?! She…She’s alive! ALIVE!! XD
I guess the creepy spider alien really is a god after all….
Can’t wait to see how this goes, good job man!
Thank you…..but….well….Never mind. You’ll find out.
Holy crap! It’s been a while, has it? Anyways, welcome back 馃榾
Also…..SNO?! Is that you?
Thanks, Christopher. Feels good to be back!
Just a gentle reminder, I appreciate that you updated the character page but there are a few grammatical mistakes regarding the info about Aura.
And I appreciate you finding typos. To the Editormobile!!!
Happy to see you back.
Thanks Robert! Happy to be back.
Oh shit! New page! 馃榾
Finally, right!
I’m assuming that the hybrid child of Zona & Icari will be born in this chapter.
That looks to be most likely.