It’s with a heavy heart that I’ve decided to put Hominids on hold for the time being. As most of you have probably noticed, my updates have been inconsistent, I’ve been less engaged, and perhaps the quality of the comic overall has gone down.
For the last two years, I’ve been trying to balance full-time freelance work with Hominids. My love and passion for this comic has kept me going, but the two things are in conflict with one another, and my need to make a living must win out.
Because of this, I haven’t been able to give the love and attention that I feel Hominids deserves. It’s not fair to the comic and it’s not fair to my readers. With that in mind, I’d rather take the break and come back to it fresh. I will still be posting work on my Patreon and social media if you want to follow what I will be up to in the coming months.
If you want to see any of my freelance work, check out my new website, where I will be posting all my projects.
I don’t know when Hominids will come back, but I promise it will. I won’t let the story go unfinished.
Thanks for being true fans, Hominerds.
Christopher Jones, Zona has shown that she’s pretty tough even when pregnant. As Jordan said, it’s part of the hunter/gatherer lifestyle she’s brought up in. That’s why she’s able to keep up with her pack when she’s running away from the hunters in chapter 7 while carrying Icari & scaling the lower portion of the mountain in chapter 6. However the cave below the overhang is a slightly different story as it is steeper. That’s why it’s a little more than Zona can chew in her condition.
Plus she’s much further along at this point.
When she said ‘It is ours. All of ours.’, it is similar to how Goliath from Disney’s Gargoyles said ‘All the children belongs to the entire clan.’.
I loved that show.
I feel like I’ve oversleept whole chapter but it’s just 5 pages. Eeeh…
I was tryed of Hominids after this ideology talk at chapter’s beginning
That’s fair. Not everyone wants read that stuff.
Their not ape people their mole people!
No joke I completely underestimated these little guys; their probably better off then the humans.
No kidding, right! They know how to do it.
Give us the Ring! To Mordor We will take You!
Oh, wait wrong Hobbits.
It’s the closest thing we’ll get to that.
They need judges for their dance competition.
How’d you figure it out?!?!
You can delete those last two comments if you want.
No worries. It’s a good question. They have had the ability to make fire but maybe no one has ever used a juicy bug to light one before.
Or… …wait…
Am I retarded?
Oh! Oh, I get it!
They never mastered fire! He’s one of the first to realize its potential!
It’s funny that when she sees the walls covered in bugs she freaks out but the others just see a snack. I feel her pain though for I do not want little bugs crawling on me, but if its cooked right I may eat one.
Also love the lighting you made for this page so atmospheric.
I bet drawing the bugs took the longest.
Thanks John! I was a fun page. The bugs did take forever but I think it was worth it.
Antozia is definitely not a fan of bugs. The Giants tend to reside closer to the ocean so they like fish much more.
Did… …did he just try to do a one-liner?
Antozia sure knows how to speak for us readers…. 🙂
Ah, cool, we’re back to the caves now 🙂 And…..oh, boy is it creepy *shudders* Here’s hoping our heroes make it out in at least one piece. Though, in Antozia’s case, she may come out of this a bit of a clustrophobic…. (and I don’t mean in the “scared of Santa Claus” way XD)
Also, here’s a…pretty weird question I wanted to ask you for a while, and I hope you don’t get real upset when I do….but, since your cool with people drawing fanart of your comic (and they look pretty good :D), how do you feel about some fans drawing, well, not so SFW arts of your characters? Just wondering…..
Chris, I would love to see some fanart from you! That would be the best. As long as it’s not you know, porn or something, I’ll make sure to post it here at the site!
Really? That’s cool 🙂 I do dabble in some drawing….and I’ve been thinking about drawing some fanart of this comic 😀 It would be nice if you saw them <3
And don't worry, I'd make sure I'd never send you porn of your characters (though, I wonder if that has ever happened to you before….?)
Also, again, I'm still quite interested in what's gonna happen to these guys in the cave….and quite scared, too.
Just finished reading every last page of Hominids.WOW! Well done!
My scifi series A Deviant Mind is set in the time frame about 500 years BEFORE Hominids begins so I’ve been reading this storyline with some wicked glee and enjoying the journey.
Now that I’m caught up, I’m hooked. Keep up the great work!
I’m so glad you liked it Pam! I hope you keep coming back. I look forward to checking out A Deviant Mind.
No idea what she’s doing. Hope it’s a smart choice.
I hope you won’t be disappointed.
Holy crap, Zona’s a badass 😀 Able to climb mountains while pregnant? That’s remarkable! Although, now that she’s almost there, I have a feeling things might not end well…. unless she meets Aura 😀
I wonder, are all female Tree Dwellers this active while carrying a child? Also, are they still active even after giving birth? Like, after pushing out a baby, do they just rest for a bit before bouncing back into action?
They’re all tough like that. It’s cultural. Since their hunter/gatherers they’re always on the move, so something like being pregnant can’t hold them back. Their survival depends on them being strong.
As far as bouncing back right after giving birth…well….you’ll just have to wait and see.
This kind of puts into perspective the difference between the two hominids, dont it?
“man, being pregnant really takes it out of you. I was only able to climb HALF a mountain with just my hands today.”
haha. I know, right.
Hope the exertion doesn’t induce labor there on the ledge. Might be mildly inconvenient.
Inconvenient…but DRAMATIC!!!
Sorry for not commenting here in a while. Anyways, glad that Icari’s alive and fighting some Root Dwellers with his pals. That was cool to see 😀
Though…..yeah, Zona is looking pretty pregnant. I am now super, super worried for her now :O I really, really hope she gets out of this okay….and hopefully meet Aura, that would be real interesting 😀
No worries at all Chris. Glad to always have you hear leaving comments.
I’m happy to hear I’m still keeping you on the edge of your seat. Zona has an interesting path in front of her. I think you’ll like it.
Is it wrong that I find it hilarious Icari has those two in a double headlock?
After this the adrenaline in their systems will probably lead them to a short make-out session or something equally silly.
Will we learn more of the root dwellers like what their culture is like and why they do what they do or are they just something that pops up every now and then as a small threat?
And to Lazy J if you look back through the other chapters you’ll see it is a common part of tree people anatomy.
Good questions, John. I think if they win, your first theory may serve true. If they don’t, and the Root Dwellers win, I could see the second question being answered.
huh is she the only tree dweller to have hair on the spin half way down the length of her back? or is that a common thing among their kind?
John is correct. They all have that with the exception of Clumsy of course since he has alopecia.
Twist: it’s a crying child.
How’d you know?!?
I’ve been following your comic for a while now and Great job. It seems that every other day of the week has something to look forward to, Tuesday has always pretty much sucked in that regard, not even anything good on the tube. You’ve changed that for me, now every Tuesday I get home from work and rush to see the new installment. Thank you for making Tuesday a better day.
your uncle Dave
Oh man, thanks David! That’s means a lot to me! I really appreciate you being such a fan!
And don’t worry, I think some action is coming soon.
Ruh Roh i think somethings hungry.
Hmmmm…. sniffing…. not good!
Okay, it has to be said…
Watch out. That first step is a killer.
Now that mandatory snark is out of the way, I now understand the cover of the chapter. And here I thought it was going to be a metaphorical fall. Silly me. Hope Icari knows how to take a fall. That looks to be a long drop.
He’s definitely done it enough times, he should know how to fall well by now.
ICARI NOOOO! Don’t kill him, man! He’s gonna be a father…. ;-;
(Seriously, I hope he’s okay….)
If you were a Patron, you would already know what happens next! I’m just sayin’. Otherwise, you’ll find out how far that fall is next week🤓
Well look who going to go splat anyway. I love how Lye is just teasing him at this point but underneath that she probably understands what he was saying.
I do think she enjoys watching him squirm. She might have let this game go too far though.
Huh….this could lead to something interesting…. 🙂
Icari knows that the Tree People love to share partners, but may have much stronger feelings for Zona than the rest of his friends realize. Thus, making himself think he’s cheating on his lover even when Zona herself thinks it’s okay…..
Hope he doesn’t screw something up….
Speaking of Zona….I wonder what she’s up to….? Here’s hoping we find out.
It’s easy to see how things could get complicated right! Especially for someone just trying to wrap their head around the concept.
You’ll definitely see what Zona is up to in the coming pages. I’m really excited for her upcoming portion of the story.
I’m sensing that this is where Lye challenges Icari’s beliefs about marriage, child rearing, and what it means to be a father. Let’s watch.
You might be on to something there.
I like how the lighting changes from page to page as they move between jungle and clearing.
Thanks! I want each tree to feel slightly different from one another.
Heh, heh. Adorable 🙂 It’s good to have some humor after some heavyness. I do wonder how Icari’s gonna explain what “infidelity” is to her, especially since he’s Zona’s main squeeze (or thinks he is, anyway) XD
Also, hope he’ll be okay after that trip….
Also also….I hope Keyli and Clumsy stop fighting ;-;
Haha. I hope they stop fighting too, but yes, I think there was much need for a more lighthearted scene.
…and of course their discussion continues next week.
We laugh at this but if he trips in the wrong place he’s falling over 200ft and landing with a splat!
I feel like that they need to get between those two; just letting them argue will solve nothing.
It’s true. I never put it in the comic but that’s probably the leading cause of death for Tree Dwellers.
As far as intervening, I guess it could help but Keyli and Clumsy’s bond is strong. They’ll get through it.
One must admire his commitment, if not his reasoning…
Guys, please stop fighting…. ;-; These boys need a lot of hugs right now.
Though, even if the spider monster “god” can be bring people back to life (which is very, very, very unlikely), is this whole idea really what Sno wants? Just wondering….
Gosh’s speedo thing looks like something one can but at the store.
And character emotions and drama! Things that give a story flavor.
Better false hope than no hope at all huh? That’s a pretty bleak outlook on life. I hope Keyli rethinks it a little before someone else gets hurt.
I have a feeling their going to hit some bumps in the road before that happens.
Is it intentional that he sort of looks a bit like bow and arrow guy from the mountain city in the fifth panel?
Like symbolism or whatever?
It’s just coincidence. Artists often default to curtain techniques and style traits. We do our best to avoid them but it happens. I’m no exception.
Well OK then.
Okay, I think Keyli needs all the hugs right now…. 🙁
It’s never wise to operate on a different = kill it philosophy.
Aaaah! Antozia’s eyes are Red! I’m more suprised by that beautyfull detail more than I should.
I like that you noticed.
This plan is best for us. For we will see the monster kick some butts. Unfortunately said butts will belong to our heroes but hopefully the butts of the bad guys to when they come across him.
(To many butts)
Many butts will indeed be kicked!
Loving the page. Such amazing perspective! I too have my doubts if he plan is wise though.
Thanks Jazy. It may not be super wise but I guarantee it’s going to be a fun, wild ride.
I’m thinking the bug guy with the bone through his nose is gonna be the brains of the operation. I guess when you are caveman, you options for rocket scientists are severely limited… 🙂
True. She’s not emotionally invested so she can take a step back and be the voice of reason.
Icari and Keyli: “Let’s try and convince the scary-looking spider monster that’s killing the jungle, who’s also the God we’ve been telling you about, to be a good guy and see if it can take us to the afterlife to resurrect our dead friends.”
Dezia and Antozia (and probably Clumsy, at least quietly), full of sarcasm: “I like this plan. I’m excited to be a part of it!”
Man, I’m almost scared for the potentially dangerous outcome to this. :O I just really hope nothing too bad happens for them. Also, my heart still hurts for Keyli… ;-;
(in reply to the comment i just made) Wait, I noticed Dezia isn’t actually going with them(?) If so, feel free to remove him from my little quote. My mistake 😛
It’s true. Dezia isn’t going. But I think that’s exactly what he would say. This is very much an emotional mission over a logical one. We’ll just have to see if Keyli comes to his senses.
Yeah, you’re right. That is something he would say even if he wasn’t here.
That said, I do hope Keyli comes to his senses soon…because this plan will (inevitably or not) blow up in our heroes’ faces and he might not take it. Damn it, Icari, why did you tell him the whole “Great Beyond” thing when he’s still grieving….? ;-; Hopefully, maybe Antozia (or even Aura) might come in and set some things straight.
Also, I hope everyone manages to live after this. I need Icari to live and see his children… 😀 <3
Kill it, skin it, clean it, eat it. That meaty tail will probably taste the best.
I think his spirally eyeballs would taste best!
I’d almost like to imagine where the eventual conversation about this will go:
Antozia: We have to go kill the monster.
Icari: What?! But…but…it’s the second god I’ve been telling everyone about! Why must we kill it?
Antozia: Because it’s been kinda killing all plant life in the jungle.
Dezia: If there’s no plant life, then we don’t have anywhere else to live….
Icari: But, we can’t kill it! It is a god. Maybe it will be benevolent.
Antozia: “Benevolent”?! What part of “killing plant life” did you not understand? Not to mention, it’s really creepy looking and could kill us, too.
Icari: um….maybe it will be kind in spite of it… It is a god, after all.
Antozia and Dezia: *questioning in their minds: what in the hell does Zona see in that guy again?*
XD Okay, but seriously, I can’t wait to see where this goes after that page. 🙂
Well, I think I like that better then what I actually wrote!
Nah, man, I’m sure what you got next will be great (and probably a ton more serious that what I wrote) 🙂
That said, I kinda hope it involve Antozia and Dezia just side-eying Icari and going “Zona has terrible taste in men” in their heads XD
So glad I’ve caught u[p with the comic. Great read. Keep up the Awesomeness Jordon.
Thanks Jazy! I’m glad you dug it. I appreciate all the support.
Hey Jordan,
I found your site off the back of the amazing fan art you did of Mjolnir holding Thor. A very addictive read, beautiful style and a great story indeed. A hat doff to you sir. Can’t wait to read more.
Awesome! I’m so glad that illustration brought over a new reader. Thanks for coming by and checking it out, Jimmy. I’m going to have to do more silly fan-art!
Wife, Called it!
I find it creepy that Eetori did married her now knowing more about her. It’s like if your dad started sleeping with your girlfriend. I know that’s not what she is to Icari but that’s what I’m getting.
It is indeed creepy. This is inspired a lot in part by those polygamist Mormon cults that Jeff Warren ran. They would, indeed, kick out the young boys and men so that the elders could marry the young women. It’s pretty messed up.
WOW this just got complicated. @-@ Awesome paneling skills!
Thanks a bunch Jazylh!
Wow, just when we were liking Eetori even more….(end sarcasm). Dude, you are just as messed up as old CGP, and since you tried marrying your son’s finace after banishing him, you’re probably even more messed up. Seriously, this guy needs a swift kick in the lower body someday….
Also, I think I’m gonna love Aura a whole lot too. Maybe she’ll make the Mountain People come to their senses and actually try to be friends with the Tree Dwellers (though, not with the latter knocking their heads around though.), as long as she doesn’t die.
However, I wonder how the poor girl will feel when she finds out her ex has been going out with one of the tribe (especially it’s older, wise woman) and impregnated them? That’s gonna be awkward…. (but I really hope that doesn’t lead to a heel turn)
It’s more of an arranged marriage type thing. They weren’t really exes and we still don’t know how Icari felt about her. It could be completely different. That said, there’s definitely a past there that we’ll learn more about in the future.
I also agree, I think you’ll like Aura too!
Oh, okay. I guess “exes” wasn’t really the right word, then huh? Though, Aura seems to still have feelings for Icari….so if he doesn’t feel the same, she’s probably gonna be in for a world of heartbreak….but I’m sure she’ll be fine. I can’t wait to learn more about her 🙂
Though, I also can’t wait for her, Icari and Zona giving Eetori a nice beatdown 😀 He really deserves one.
I totally agree.
ah, crap! i mean “looks like eetori….” is it possible to edit comments?
I just found out it is!
Oh, boy, looks LIKE Eetori, the new CGP seems to know who she is…. Either way, it’s cool to see of the Mountain People who helped the tribe again. Hopefully Aura manages to both live and escape…. but not before giving Eetori what for 🙂
Also, I got a question, I always wondered how old the main characters are. I know you mentioned that Zona was somewhere between her late 30s-early 40s or something, but do you got an idea of the other characters’ ages? (like, I could see Icari maybe being somewhere in his 20s, same with Keyli and Clumsy.)
Good question too. Understanding that in the world they have to live in, it’s important to grow up fast! They’re all a little younger then you guessed.
When the story began Icari was roughly 18. Keyli and Sno were 17 and Clumsy about 14. Basse is about 20. Lye is about 23.
At the present they’re all about a year older.
Did I miss anyone else you’re curious about?
Nah, you didn’t miss anyone and thanks a bunch 🙂
Though, now that I know that Icari is 18-19, I got a new question: why did you decide to make him Zona’s current…um…”love interest” (considering if her feelings are as strong as his, probably), when she’s about 20 years younger than him? Yeah sorry if this question will make you uncomfortable. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to…
I don’t mind answering. Zona partly explains it herself in Chapter 3 when she’s trying for the first time to “get with” Icari.
In patriarchal societies it’s common place for older men to take on young wives. Even today, we barely bat an eye when some guy with money marries a girl 30 years younger then him. You can even look to movies for examples. Female love interests can often be 15 or 20 years younger and no one minds because the men are handsome.
I’m not judging but I wanted to flip that on its head. Showing how older women still hold value in the world where youth and beauty are all that seem to matter, was really important. So I let Zona, an older, beautiful and wise woman have her way with him.
That’s one part of it. The other is that we have to look at these characters outside of our own cultural lense sometimes. They come from a very different place and see the world very differently. Their age difference isn’t such a big deal to the Tree Dwellers. What mattered to Zona was that Icari was a fully matured man that could provide a strong child and she could provide him with experience and wisdom.
Hopefully this all makes sense. I’m happy to keep talking about it.
Oh, wow! That’s actually a pretty interesting and kind of sweet reasoning you got there 😀 It’s not everyday you get to see the gender reverse of the “older lover, younger lover” trope in stories. Also helps that…both Icari and Zona are really sweet together, IMO. (Though, I wonder how the dude must feel knowing he’s mating with his best friend’s mom…that is, if he knows Zona is Keyli’s mom XD)
Man, now I really, really hope Zona makes it out okay. I’m not sure Icari, the tribe and I can handle the heartbreak if she doesn’t…. ;-;
Thank you for doing this Because some of them threw me for a loop like Gosh. I thought his name was said like “oh my gosh” but now I see say them. Again thank you.
As for the comic I’m guessing that Aura is ether Eetori’s sister or wife. Hopefully not both.
Sure thing, John. It was a good idea and a fun thing to do.
As for Eetori and Aura, I wouldn’t want it to be both either. Gross!
“No, not me, idiots!”
A nice comic everyone has said some good questions and observations.
I was thinking if this is OK that in your next video thing you can probably pronounce the names of the characters we’ve seen so far? For some of them I and maybe a few others don’t know how to pronounce them. It’s OK if you don’t feel like it or are uncomfortable with the idea; just asking nicely.
Good idea John! I think I’ll do that.
Mmmmmmmm looks yummy!
I am inclined to wonder, if you can get biggie fries, and a coke with one of those…
*half-sarcastically* Oh, it’s such a joy to hear Crazy Genocidal Priest talk again…. *end sarcasm*
I really hope he gets his ass kicked eventually. Hopefully by Zona.
Hold on. Weren’t there, like, some members of whatever religion CGP was apart who helped the tribe from the Mountain People? Will we ever see them again? Just wondering….
Don’t worry. Eetori is much less of a talker than the High Priest. His speech is basically done.
And yes, you’ll be hearing again from the group of humans that’s helped. Probably very very soon.
We are back in Bismuth!… Did they changed Gate from one winged to two winged? And how the heck do Humans know about food chain? Now I think it really is distant future, not past.
I think I’m busted in a continuity error. For some reason I was seeing it as two doors….I mean um…yeah, totally on purpose! The gate opens three different ways! That way enemies have no way of knowing how to enter. Yes! Planned it that way all along!
Nuclear tattoo!
Get yours today!
Absolutley loving the way you convey dialogue through expression. & as always the backgrounds are surreal.
Thanks Jazy! And thanks for the support. I really enjoy Beast Legion and encourage all my readers to read it too.
Its going to be twins!
By the way; how old is Zona? If their life span is like humans then I would put her in her mid forties. which if true could put a some risk for her and the baby(ies).
Lastly yay Icari is now a part of the pack! so happy for him.
Good question. I would say late 30’s to early 40’s. Remember that they would start child rearing pretty early on. Zona was probably in her mid-teens when she started having babies. From our perspective, that’s of course way too early but for them, they have to grow up really fast in an environment like that.
I’m actually really excited to have him as part of the pack too. In my first draft, he joined waaaay earlier. It didn’t feel right though as he needed to build real trust with them first.
Next Week, a Caveman Musical Rendition of “Leader of the Pack”!? :p
You know it!
Aw, Icari now knows Zona’s pregnant <3 😀 I can't wait to see him learn how to be a father and getting some help from the tribe 🙂 Oh, and YAY! He's part of the tribe now!
Yep! He’s finally one of them…but I’m sure there will still be some missteps along the way.
I’m super addicted. I just discovered this comic through a friend when you put your latest page up, and I just spent the last couple days reading ALL of it. I really enjoy your art and storytelling styles and your world is so creative I want to know all about it. I also enjoy your take on the development and role of religion in your world. I wonder if Ikari really still believes in what he’s saying or if he’s just trying to comfort his friend. I’m divided on whether I want Sno to be alive or not. She is probably my favorite character, but I get fed up with the whole “Miraculous survival” trope sometimes. Anyways… I think it’s safe to say I’m going to be an avid reader either way.
Thanks so much Mr Heavy Steps! I hope to keep hearing from you in the future. I am also sick of the “Miraculous survival” trope in writing. I think it’s a bit lazy and dishonest storytelling. The one thing that I’ll say without spoilers is that Sno will have a presence in the story one way or another through the rest of the book.
Thanks for reading!
Waiting to see how the new chapter starts and off the bat we get a new travel companion! Welcome to the cast Antozia, hope you don’t die finding this thing.
And lastly OH MY GOD THE SLOTHS CAN CLOSE THEIR EYES!! I thought that they were to bug eyed to have eye lids. I thought they just licked them.
I hope she doesn’t either! I think you’ll like her. She’s pretty badass.
The sloths could have licked their eyes but I thought this was cuter.
Oh hey, new chapter.
Also, welcome back!
And…You’re the first comment on the new page!