Hominids is finally on Comixology!
Please go and download at least one issue and give it a good rating, this would be a great way to support your favorite “Jordan” comic creator! I’ll get much more exposure and hopefully new readers! Once you buy the comic, you’ll be able to rate it through the star system. No need to write anything up.
Thanks for the support everyone!
We’ve made it past the 200 page point!
And comments are finally back up! I’m a genius (subtle hints of sarcasm).
Let’s hope the Pack can move upward and onward as. Things are looking pretty dire for them right now. It doesn’t look like there are many left sadly.
In other news, starting tomorrow, you’ll be able to download Hominids on Comixology! I’ll send out the link here in an update once it’s posted. Please go show your support by downloading a few issues and giving Hominids a 5 star rating. This will help it climb the list in popular comics.
Thanks everyone!