It’s with a heavy heart that I’ve decided to put Hominids on hold for the time being. As most of you have probably noticed, my updates have been inconsistent, I’ve been less engaged, and perhaps the quality of the comic overall has gone down.
For the last two years, I’ve been trying to balance full-time freelance work with Hominids. My love and passion for this comic has kept me going, but the two things are in conflict with one another, and my need to make a living must win out.
Because of this, I haven’t been able to give the love and attention that I feel Hominids deserves. It’s not fair to the comic and it’s not fair to my readers. With that in mind, I’d rather take the break and come back to it fresh. I will still be posting work on my Patreon and social media if you want to follow what I will be up to in the coming months.
If you want to see any of my freelance work, check out my new website, where I will be posting all my projects.
I don’t know when Hominids will come back, but I promise it will. I won’t let the story go unfinished.
Thanks for being true fans, Hominerds.
Thanks for the great comic. All the best.
Thank you Sean!
Take care of yourself. Thanks for all the fantastic content. Got you in my feed reader, I’ll see you when you get back, and good luck with your work!
Thanks so much! I’ll make sure you guys are the first to know when it’s back.
Not the first of my comics that this has happened to. :/ Take the time you need and hopefully you’re find your mojo for this comic again. If people are smart they’ve got the comic linked in an RSS feed (Feedly for example) and when you’re ready we will be notified. Got to take care of yourself first.
You gotta do what you gotta do. Best of luck in all your endeavors!