Exciting news everyone!
My Patreon account is finally live!
That’s right, and you’re going to have access to a lot of cool stuff you wouldn’t get anywhere else!
Here’s a look: https://www.patreon.com/hominids
Video by my talented friend, Joey Trimmer http://www.notionstudios.com/
So here are some of the cool things you can get when you sign up.
Pledge $1 or more per month
That’s right! You have spoiler power starting Monday rather then that silly Tuesday update!
Pledge $2 or more per month
You’ll see the latest pages from their inception all the way to finish. You’ll be the first to see thumbnails, pencils, ink, flat colors and final as each is completed!

Pledge $5 or more per month
Did I mention you also get the PSD of the latest page?
Well, you do!
Yes, this is awesome!

Pledge $15 or more per month
Same as above, and high resolution PDF’s of the entire series! You’ll immediately get the full graphic novel of Book 1, plus each upcoming issue as they are completed.
Patreon Exclusive
Every month I’m going to draw a portrait of a character from Hominids.
Every month, you’ll get one in the mail. It’ll be like trading cards.
Collect them all!!! (NOTE: I may limit this in the future depending on how many I have to print and send out. SO GET IT NOW!)
You will also get access to livestream process videos.
Pledge $20 or more per month
Who is your favorite pop culture character?
Once a week I’ll pick from your suggestions and draw that character as a Hominid. Everyone who is at this tier will have access to the art.
As an added BONUS: Whoever’s suggestion I pick for that week, will get the original artwork mailed to them!This will potentially be NSFW depending on the request. This is Hominids after all!

Pledge $50 or more per month
Wow! Really!?! You’re AMAZING!
If you’re willing to shell out $50 a month, you deserve something equally amazing. Every 3 months you’ll get an original Hominids page in the mail. That’s 3 pages a year! Sometimes it might be pencils, other times, it could be inks. I’m going to keep making them, so I won’t run out!