Page 134



A page like this is a bit tricky.

It’s tempting to want to add dialog or text of some kind.

A lot of times cannon fodder characters will have some playful banter, talking about something that has nothing to do with the story. It can be a fun break and add a bit of humor.  That or the main character will have an internal dialog going on during the action. They’ll internalize either what’s happening or think about something else. Spiderman does this better then anyone else. Batman spends a lot of time brooding to the audience as well.  For my part, that stuff can often come off as filler. Not truly adding anything to the story. It might be the animator in me but I like to let the action speak for itself. Even if it seems like a page of characters running around frame after frame, it’s important to pace it in a way that makes the city feel huge.

I hope you enjoy this weeks page. It’s one of my favorites. I do have a feeling there will be something on the other side of that tunnel.

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