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Hey everyone,

quick question for you all. How do you guys feel about these blog posts? How much do you get out of them? Do you read them at all? Do you look out for Hominids new?

I’m just curious because I want to make sure I’m putting my attention into the right things.


I also wanted to share some of the perks you can get when you contribute to the Hominids Patreon. I’m mailing out prints of Keyli and Sno for all the $15 contributors and original artwork to my $20 contributors.

There are a lot of great things you can get even if you can only afford $2 a month. Check it out!


2 Responses

  1. NixieSeal says:

    I read the news, but I honestly am mostly just interested in getting the comic page updates.

    • jordan says:

      Thanks for the feedback Nixie. So you don’t feel like you’d be missing out much were it only a page each week?

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