Page 287-288

This is it everyone! The showdown we’ve been waiting for. I hope it doesn’t disappoint.

8 Responses

  1. Erik says:

    Dude, they’re bows, not musketsā€¦ You “shoot” arrows.

  2. Silene says:

    Oh I just discovered this… bought the first parts on Amazon, then found this site. Awesome! But please produce more pages…yikes, you have been working on this for years and I need more please!


    • jordan says:

      Thank you for downloading it on Amazon! I hope the experience of reading on your Kindle was enjoyable. Working on new pages as we speak.

    • Adrian says:

      Tis the curse of the archive. We discover and then devour until we reach the point where the artist stops keeping up with us.
      It’s like they don’t appreciate our need!
      Inconsiderate swine the lot of them – all creators! šŸ¤£

  3. RoWan says:

    BIG mistake boys, this one was a survivor LONG before she became a mother…….

  4. Richard F. Wallace says:

    It doesn’t disappoint!! Awesome job!

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